After Builders Cleaning Sydenham, Herne Hill

Before and After Builders CleaningOur after builders cleaning service is the best way to get your home perfectly clean and hygienic after the huge mess the builders have left in your home. You do not have to bother yourself and deal with the industrial debris and dust, you can hire our expert cleaners to take this burden off your shoulders.

Our service can be adjusted to fit your needs, you can give us your personalised cleaning task list and our cleaners will follow it. Our cleaners operate in Sydenham, SE26, our after builders cleaning service is thorough and our prices are economical.

Domestic Cleaning ServicesPrices
Regular Cleaning from £19/h
One Off Cleaning from £20/h
Deep Cleaning from £159

Sydenham’s After Builders Cleaning Services

If you are planning on having a reconstruction or a repair in your house, you should also make a plan for the cleaning up afterwards. Builders rarely think about the mess they make or clean after themselves. Our company is offering you a special after builders cleaning service that has been designed for such needs.

We send a team of cleaners, they come at your convenient time, they bring the heavy-duty cleaners and tools and clean your house from top to bottom or just the room that has been renovated. Our service is customisable and we assure you that you will enjoy our service and our prices very much, we are available in Sydenham, SE26.

This company has very competitive prices. It was recommended to me and I enjoyed their service very much and wanted to recommend it to other people as well. This deep cleaning service is very affordable and will leave your home perfectly clean. I have used them a couple of times already – they are perfect. -Hannah

Post Construction Cleaners in SE26

Room After ConstructionThe builders have just finished with your home’s renovation and you are wondering how to clean the mess? If so, contact us to book the high-quality after builders cleaning services we carry out across Sydenham, SE26 and the vicinity.

The service stands out with efficiency, affordability and flexibility. Our success is based on customers’ satisfaction, which is why we never compromise with quality. Our experienced cleaners will make sure every inch of your refurbished property is spotlessly clean and dust-free. Don’t worry about the tools and detergents! We bring our own advanced equipment and specialised cleaning supplies which are included in the price of the service. Give us a call to request a no-obligation quote – you won’t regret it!

Clean up the mess after your renovation project in Sydenham

Our company is a renowned cleaning services provider and we take pride in our many years of practice. Our cleaners have been trained and then have gained rich experience from the many post-builders cleaning jobs that they have done. Our service has been perfected and we have prices that are budget friendly.

You can turn to us for help with your after builders cleaning, no matter where in Sydenham, SE26 you live. We are available for your office or your home. When the renovation is over, we will come to the rescue. Our cleaners will eliminate all grime and dust.