After Builders Cleaning N1 Canonbury, Barnsbury

Before and After Builders CleaningIf you have made any renovations, repairs, decoration changes or conversions you probably need help with the cleaning of the rooms. The after builders cleaning which we can offer you in Canonbury, N1 guarantees removal of dust, debris, splatters and dirt. We work every day of the week and provide customisable cleaning services.

Our staff carry out washing of tiles and natural stone surfaces, pressure washing of paved areas, cleaning of floors, furniture, doors, sill and internal windows. They can sanitise your converted loft, basement and garage, extended property and renovated rooms. Use our services after building, repair and refurbishment works.

Domestic Cleaning ServicesPrices
Regular Cleaning from £19/h
One Off Cleaning from £20/h
Deep Cleaning from £159

Canonbury’s After Builders Cleaning Services

Have you just renovated your property and you need a hand with the cleaning? If so, we will be more than happy to assist you! Our company is located in Canonbury, N1 and offers after builders cleaning service. We can provide you with a free quote and the prices we have are very competitive.

Our cleaners are very experienced and skilful. They will bring all the necessary equipment and detergents. We will make sure to clean your property thoroughly and we will do it in a timely manner. Give us a call now and see what we are capable of!

Last month our apartment was renovated and the dust, plaster and cement which were left all over the rooms had to be cleaned. We used your services and the staff did very professional and effective after builders cleaning which made the flat liveable and rid of debris. We are very pleased with the results. – Liam

Post Construction Cleaners in N1

Room After ConstructionAre you looking for a quality after builders cleaning service, based in Canonbury, N1? If yes, you have come to the right place as our established company provides professional after builders cleaning services in and around the area and charges moderate rates to suit all budgets, big or small.

Our cleaners have years of combined experience between them and always go the extra mile to ensure customers are 100% happy with the results. They will clean your cupboards, sills and skirtings, rid you of plaster and empty packages, expel all dust, and remove leftover materials. If interested in arranging an appointment with us, you can contact us over the phone or use our convenient online form!

Clean up the mess after your renovation project in Canonbury

When the construction work in your home is over and there is a ton of debris and dust everywhere you can call our company and hire our professional after builders cleaning service to help you turn your home into a clean environment again.

Our company is offering a number of packages that you can choose from all of which have reasonable and affordable prices. Our service is available everywhere in Canonbury, N1 and we can assure you that our after builders cleaning service is worth every penny. Our trained cleaners will clean your home thoroughly and get rid of all garbage, dust, paint stains, etc.